
The Dr. Forough Khadem Memorial Major Award is provided by the Health Sciences Graduate Student Association (HSGSA) and Max Rady College of Medicine (MRCM) to recognize outstanding graduate students (one Masters and one Doctoral level) who demonstrate leadership, a desire to have an impact on the world through science and who embody a pioneering spirit.

These awards are valued in the amount of $1000 each.

Any current full-time or part-time student (i.e., a student who has been registered within the current academic year) in the Faculty of Graduate Studies in a Master’s or Doctoral program delivered by the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences who:
a.    demonstrates leadership and experience in creating positive and impactful change.
b.    demonstrates research excellence in the field of health sciences.
c.    is not a member of the HSGSA Executive Committee at the time of award distribution.
d.    Applicants who received this award shall not qualify to apply for the award again in order to recognize other exceptional students.

Application Procedure
Applications for the Dr. Forough Khadem Memorial Award will consist of:

  1. curriculum vitae (Research Manitoba CCV format)
  2. two reference letters; at least one reference letter must be from a professor that support their scientific excellence and community leadership
  3. a description of their proposed or ongoing research (maximum of 500 words
  4. a description of their leadership experience (maximum of 500 words) through formal or informal roles in our community

      Application package should be sent directly to the RFHS office at the time of call for applications.