Our Executive

Our Executive

Meet the graduate students serving on the Health Sciences Graduate Students’ Association Executive Committee.

General Election

The Voting Period has concluded for the 2024/25 HSGSA Special Election 2024/25 HSGSA Special Election The provisional results for the 2024/25 HSGSA Special Election are now available following the conclusion of the voting period. Please find them below: HSGSA President

Faces of RFHS

We are excited to kick off HSGSA’s new series, “Faces of RFHS,” where we celebrate the incredible diversity and inspiring stories of our graduate students at the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences!

HSGSA Volunteer Program

HSGSA Volunteer Program

Students volunteering their time and expertise to the Health Sciences Graduate Students’ Association (HSGSA) provide a critical service to the University of Manitoba by furthering its mission to teaching, research, social enterprise and public service.

Ed Kroeger Mentorship

Ed Kroeger Mentorship

The Ed Kroeger Mentorship Award is provided by the HSGSA to recognize excellence and distinction in mentorship, teaching, and research. 



Health Sciences graduate students have a lounge on the fourth floor of the Brodie Centre (402 Brodie), at the end of the hallway on the right. Come watch satellite TV, play some video or board games, and enjoy your lunch. You can also book the room for student events!

Visit the UMGSA

The University of Manitoba Graduate Students’ Association is the parent organization of the HSGSA, which represents all graduate students at the University of Manitoba.

Learn More